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Pregnancy and Postpartum Recovery

Hey motivated Mama, are you ready to easily heal from pregnancy and postpartum physical symptoms from the comfort of your own home?

Pregnancy and Postpartum physical therapy is often too expensive and difficult to schedule in as a mom. True healing and thriving seems out of reach, even for motivated Mamas.

But I’ve created an easy and affordable way to deliver expert corrective exercise therapy that flows from God’s design to empower Mamas to reclaim their strength and well-being. How?

I help pregnant and postpartum women, like you, easily heal from symptoms from the comfort of their own homes. By sending videos from an app asynchronously, it can be done on your own time. This is not only convenient, but affordable.

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Do you feel like you don't have the time or the money to heal?


Do you have..?
Back Pain
Pelvic Heaviness/Pain
Weak Pelvic Floor
Bad Posture
Diastasis Recti

Imagine if you could…

  • Go on a walk with your kids and feel refreshed after
  • Do chores and feel accomplished
  • Feel strong again and do things you love
  • Enter into the marital embrace with your husband and feel connected (not in pain)
  • Feel confident and hopeful for pregnancies to come

"I came that they may have LIFE, and have it ABUNDANTLY."

JOHN 10:10

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Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Recovery
1 on 1 online corrective exercise therapy 
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